

Every once in a while I come here. Every once in that while Blogger loses my entire post before it reaches publication. This night is that every once in a while. I had planned (and written) a preamble to the following madness. I might be able to reproduce it to some extent, but my memory has left me with not even the title much less the crucial adjectives. It was good, but I won't paraphrase it because you would just have had to be there.

Assorted things to do today:

  • Search for the list of things to do yesterday. You will know it by its total dissimilarity to a scheduler or daily planner. Look for a small piece of notebook paper with bits of spiral-binding artifact hanging off one side. It will be contrastingly scrawled in black Pilot V5 Extra Fine Point pen. Once the list is found, try to remember the things you had meant to add to it. Don't forget to panic.
  • Choose an album from the bookcase half-filled with cds. Spend the first two tracks justifying your selection based on the state you have been put in by school, people you know, and your current neuroses. If you must leave the room, have a hard time deciding whether to stop or pause the music, or to just leave it softly playing for whomever else may wander in.
  • Take a shower. Allow the near-scalding water to run while no activity involving soap occurs until the heat is sickening and it would feel better to be out of the stall.
  • If you are sick, take pleasure in the fact that now your smokers' cough actually has something to work with.
  • Compose in your mind a letter of longing to a lover no-longer.
  • Try to remember a clever saying you thought of. Realize it is less clever in print.
  • Pass by the hordes of plain old college students and wonder how much avoidance in your young life it would have taken to achieve that kind of inobtrusiveness.
  • Come up with yet another theory about the afterlife.
  • Based on whether you have classes early or late, throw on one or two blankets respectively, and sleep it off.

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