This could be it. I have exactly two hours of classroom-continuum remaining until all of my achievements in this school's technical calculus battery are summed, and I am ranked. The topic of neverending math equations here at /#blog may end (or converge absolutely).
I think back to advanced chemistry my senior year in high school and our introduction to Casio scientific calculators. My lab partner received a great deal of joy by organizing a table of all the sine, cosine and tangent functions of the number 69, then instructing others on the slack-off side of the room to take the inverse function of the decimal values. Sure enough, '69' popped up on the LCD. Switching to hexadecimal mode, letters 'A' through 'F' were accessed, and decimal number 2645 was added to the table with instructions to swap base modes. This yields A55. Still, it bothered him that he had no way to generate the number 311. He was leading the running joke about this number, jesting an intense fascination with the rap-rock forerunners. But inverse trigonometric functions will only return up to 180 degree readings.
Finally, I'm taught something useful by a math teacher. This is, of course, also in jest, but I did learn a function recently that will create a division problem from a repeating decimal. Just as 0.3333, repeating infinitely converges to 1/3, the number 0.69696969... can be attained by dividing 23 by 33. To get 0.311311311311... one need only divide 311 by 999. Or, of course, 140/333 = 0.420420420... It works for any number of obsession and by priciples of infinite series.
It may have been nice to have this knowledge in my fourth year of high school to entertain the imaginations of my chemistry class and myself, but I'm sure it will be nicer to know it, and all else I've absorbed, entering into the advanced electronics classes to come. Although, imagine what I might be capable of in the parlor because of higher mathematical education. On several occasions at a restaurant beknown to many beknown to me, I realized one large soda and one basket of fries tallies up to $3.14. I gripe at the check "I didn't order pi."